Combat Abilities
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Combat Abilities determine your strategy in combat.
Their effects can be offensive, defensive, or utility-based, but each of them always has a set of Attacking and Defending Tactics, so you have many choices regarding how you can use your abilities.
After selecting a Combat Ability, you can choose available Attack and Defense Tactics.
These dictate a specific number of opponent's Body Parts you may target, from (Head, Chest, Stomach, Groin, & Legs).
Concentrated Attack - Select 1 Body Part only for dealing 100% of your Base Damage.
Dual Attack - Select 2 Body Parts for dealing 50% of your Base Damage each.
Triple Attack - Select 3 Body Parts for dealing 33.3% of your Base Damage each.
Spread Attack - Select 4 Body Parts for dealing 25% of your Base Damage each.
Combat Abilities also have a unique Initiative number. When players submit all their actions, the combat resolution happens based on every Initiative number.
Example of a Combat Ability:
Assuming your Character has a total Attack value of 100 (combining the Weapons' base Attack value plus any Attack value from other sources).
Also, a total Defense value of 100 (combining the Combat Equipment's base Defense value plus any Defense value from other sources).
Plasma Beam ability
Deal 80% of your Attack Value as Fire damage.
Defend for 20% of your Defense Value.
Attacking Tactics options:
Concentrated Attack - Deal 80 Fire damage to 1 body part.
Dual Attack - Deal 40 Fire damage to 2 Body Parts.
Triple Attack - Deal 26.6 Fire damage to 3 Body Parts.
Spread Attack - Deal 20 Fire damage to 4 Body Parts.
Defending Tactics options:
Concentrated Defense: Prevent 20 damage dealt from 1 body part.
Dual Defense: Prevent 10 damage dealt from 2 Body Parts.
Heal yourself for 60 HP.
Attack and defend for 20% of your base values.
Attacking tactics options:
Concentrated attack - Deal 20 damage to 1 body part.
Triple attack - Deal 6.6 damage to 3 Body Parts.
Defending tactics options:
Concentrated defense: Prevent 20 damage dealt to 1 body part.
Defending Tactics options:
Dual defense: Prevent 10 damage dealt to 2 Body Parts.
Heart Shock ability